Six reasons
to work ACTRA:

Getting paid
Retirement benefits
Health benefits
Work opportunities


Fighting for our culture

When you work ACTRA, you’re supporting your union which is one of Canada's leading cultural organizations advocating for Canadian arts and culture, including the opportunity for Canadians to tell and see our own stories. Through ongoing media and lobbying campaigns targeting all levels of government, ACTRA speaks out for Canadian culture, a strong film, television and digital media industry, and increased work opportunities for members.

ACTRA works closely with many other trade unions, ad hoc industry advocacy coalitions, and public interest groups on a wide range of cultural and economic issues facing not only artists, but all Canadians. ACTRA is affiliated with the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and has a strategic alliance with the United Steelworkers (USW). As well, ACTRA is a leader in alliances with international labour and arts organizations, such as the International Federation of Actors (FIA) – giving members a voice far beyond our numbers and borders.

Learn more about ACTRA’s fight for Canadian culture